Martial Arts and Modern Life
a blog by Dan Prager
- What's your motivation?
- Great advice for beginners
- You can start at any time
- You can stop at any time
- A bit about my class...
- A solid foundation
- Putting martial arts training to use
- The dojo, its purpose and meaning
- Cool stuff in the martial arts
- Do try this at home!
- A great groundwork game to play with kids
- The "Steven Seagal" technique
- Flying practice
- Jiu-Jitsu in pictures
- Jiu-Jitsu is adaptable
- What is the format of a typical Jiu-Jitsu class?
- A Jiu-jitsu demo from the 1980s
- What is Jiu-Jitsu good for?
- Jiu-jitsu according to Wordle
- Self-defence technique meets 1920s chic
- E.J. Harrison on Judo
- What is Classical Judo?
- Judo as organized by Kawaishi
- Kyuzo Mifune: God of Judo
- More Mifune
- Captain Kirk teaches Judo
- Sword vs stick, fists vs throws
- The Three Levels of Judo
- Is there such a thing as a complete martial art?
- Defending the cows - with judo
- A fun judo kata
- Bartitsu: Sherlock Holmes's martial art
- There's more to it than that
- What is Super-Efficient Learning?
- An example from Jiu-jitsu and Judo
- Short course: Super-efficient learning and application (December 2006)
- From Karate to Jiu-Jitsu
- Japanese Jiu-Jitsu or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?
- Brazilian Jiu-jitsu from the 1950s looks like ...
- Mastery Learning or Spiral Learning?
- Where does Jiu-jitsu come from?
- Jiu-jitsu vs Aikido terminology and techniques
- What's Om got to do with it?
- Elite selection or elite training?
- What on earth is that technique?
- Slow, like a snake
- Female exemplars in taijiquan
- Do black-belts have to start their own class?
- Wax on, wax off
- Hip throws or loin throws?
- Complexity vs Simplicity
- Body skill
- Cross-training in multiple martial arts?
- A few reliable techniques, or a smorgasbord?
- How do we defend against kick-boxers and armed attackers?
- Wushu vs Chen village
- Throw or takedown?
- The broader meaning of kuzushi
- Cooperative combinations
- Evening up
- Some notes on come-along techniques, and a follow-up
- Smile, breathe and go slowly
- Taking notes
- Are there any questions?
- Creating a Kata
- Influx! (When lots of newbies turn up)
- Patrick Parker's teaching tips (and more)
- Bored!
- Left-handed training
- Groundhog day
- Short-term vs long-term thinking
- Efficient use of strength
- Heard around the dojo
- Do what I do, not what I say
- Oh for the springiness of a flea or kangaroo!
- Kuzushi with an invisible partner
- A sneak technique
- Go slow vs The need for speed
- You don't have to be great all the time
- Superficial teaching, Real teaching, and Inspired teaching
- How mixed level practice can work in judo
- Big class / hard mats
- If it doesn't work ... change it
- Hooray for hip throws
- Variations
- Don't do this (Kani basami) in a judo competition
- One of my kung fu teachers is nine feet tall
- The secret of a great turn-out?
- Evolutionary movement
- Theme of the month ideas
- February 2009: Juicy kuzushi, First class back
- March: Beautiful breakfalls, How to develop them, Do they work?, Tips from throws, Don't drop people on their heads
- April: Push and Pull, Ways to push and pull, Tips on learning to throw, Small circles - all in the wrist?
- May: Minimum effort, maximum effect, Don't just crank it on!, Distract, distract, distract!
- June: Chaos and Control
- Theme of the month is making a comeback
- October: Handy hand throws, Some Judo hand-throws and their Jiu-jitsu relatives, Hand-y hints
- Ideas for theme classes
9. Inspiration
- Mastery and practice
- Wise words
- The power of example
- Trying to do great things?
- Urban training: Part I, Part II
- Structure and chaos
- Feldenkrais's recipe for genius
- If you could choose just one technique ...
- Mastery is ...
- Humor: Ti Kwan Leap / Boot to the Head!
- Stay out of trouble ...
- Beyond technique
- Chess!?
- Kate's Martial Arts Journey
- Be Strong, Be Gentle, Be Beautiful
- Seminar Reactions
- Go on: Put me in a lock!
- The road to wisdom
- Pushing your boundaries
- The only comparison that matters
- An amazing transformation
- Astonishing tiger footage
- 10 favorite sayings of Confucius
- Practice
- Coach Wooden: Definitions of Success
- RIP Kancho
10. Demonstrations and outreach
- Introductory self-defence class
- What appeals to you about Jiu-jitsu?
- Where to train in Perth?
- Tans' Unite and Fight Cancer (2009 footage)
- Australian Martial Arts Hall of Fame (August 2009, in Melbourne)
- Self-defence Kata (December 2009)
- The Kata of Possibility (December 2008)
- Monash Open Day (August 2008)
11. Appreciations
- Leonard Kong (former student)
- Mark Cook (martial arts blogger and cartoonist)
- Featured in Aikido Journal Blog
I'm on it :-)
I have to make some time to think about the structure and trawl through the tags to see what sort of structure is 'offered' to me by what I've already written.
I think it's a great idea as it'll make it more accessible but ALSO it will help give myself focus when writing the blog- the contents/structure will show back to me what's going on my head.
Very neat. Watch this space.
But don't hold yer breath
I have added a link at the bottom of the post about how to provide this structure for your own blog. I hope it catches on; it will make the better blogs out there more accessible.
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