Last night my class worked on our (somewhat) original self-defence kata. Members of the class present it later this month as part of a kata competition. Amongst other things, it shows how a particular initial response to an attack can lead into more than one possible continuation. Hence the name: The Kata of Possibility.
Please don't try this at home; self-defence should only be practiced under the supervision of a qualified instructor. I am posting the summary as an aid to help my students memorize the sequence, and for my own future reference.
| Attack | Response | Control | Finish |
1a | One-hand outside wrist grab | Grab with other hand | Spin to inside / wristlock comealong | Corkscrew |
1b | " | " | Spin to outside / shoulder-lock takedown variation | Strike + kiai |
2a | Aggressive handshake | Middle knuckle strike to the back of the hand | Forward finger throw | Finger-lock |
2b | " | " | Lever and arm-brace | Overhead wrist lever |
3a | Right palm push to chest | Attack arm at elbow (right hand) and wrist (left hand) | Comealong forearm hammer-lock | Submission |
3b | " | " (but hands reversed) | Armlock comealong | Submission |
4a | Front choke (arms straight) | Raise shoulders / drop chin / strike down with left forearm / up with right forearm | Comealong forearm hammerlock | Submission |
4b | " | " | 3rd hip throw | Strike + kiai |
5a | Arm around shoulders | Near hand grabs hand / elbow to ribs | Wristlock comealong | Corkscrew |
5b | " | " | Lever and arm-brace | Projection throw |
Here are some images to help make sense of the chart (thanks to Prateek and Sempai Owen):
Attack 1: One-hand outside wrist grab
Response 1: Grab with other hand
Control 1a & 5a: Wristlock comealong

Attack 2: Aggressive handshake
Response 2: Strike the back of the hand
Control 2a: Forward finger throw
Control 2b & 5b: Lever and arm-brace
Finish 2c: Overhead wrist-lever
Attack 3: Right palm push to chest
Response 3a: Hands to elbow and wrist
Control 3a & 4a: Comealong forearm hammer-lock
Response 3b: Hands to elbow and wrist (reversed)
Control 3c: Armlock comealong
Attack 4: Front choke (arms straight)
Attack 5: Arm around shoulder