Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Class is back for 2010

First class back for 2010.  Nine keen students turned up on a hot night, including one newcomer.

We had a good time with a mix of throws, self-defence applications, restraint and control, and groundwork.  A bit of everything to kick off the year.

With several regulars to return and the start of the Uni. year still a month away it looks like it's going to be a big, dynamic class.  I'm looking forward to it.


  1. Hey! Don't rub it in about the hot nights - it's freezing over here! Glad your class went well though:-)

  2. Well I can tell you that we all believe in global warming down here. ;-)

    At least you can put on more layers when it's cold!

  3. Wasn't too hot, I guess I made it top priority to keep well hydrated.
    Just thinking back this time last year we got ourselves a new mat cover, didn't we?
    And if class does indeed continue to grow at the rye it has surely it'll be time to source for new mats.
    All in all, a great session, was glad to be back,

  4. That's right about the new mat cover last year. I forgot to mention that we found a mirror on a second wall of the room -- mostly it's used for aerobics -- this year, which should be handy, if occasionally distracting.
